Newsday Tuesday!

Key Principles for a Disciple-Making Church

1. Clarity of Mission

  • Core Mission: The local church’s primary mission is disciple-making.
  • Importance of Shared Understanding:
    • Without a unified definition of a disciple, efforts will be fragmented.
    • Agreement on definitions ensures alignment and effectiveness in ministry.

2. Defining a Disciple

Biblical Framework: [Matthew 4:19]

  • Jesus said, “Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
  • This provides a clear model for understanding discipleship.

Definition of a Disciple:

  • A disciple is someone who:
    1. Following Jesus: Commitment to learn from and emulate Christ.
    2. Being Changed by Jesus: Allowing spiritual transformation through the Holy Spirit.
    3. Joining the Mission of Jesus: Actively participating in sharing the Gospel and serving others.

Key Insight:

  • This definition is lifelong and practical:
    • It applies to both new believers and mature Christians.
    • It provides a continuous growth pathway.

3. Defining Disciple Making

Patterned After Jesus’ Method:

  • Jesus modeled intentional and relational disciple-making.

Definition of a Disciple Maker:

  • A disciple-maker is someone who:
    • Intentionally enters into relationships to:
      1. Help people follow Jesus (Evangelism and Mentorship).
      2. Encourage spiritual transformation (Teaching and Accountability).
      3. Equip them to join the mission of Jesus (Training and Sending).

Key Insight:

  • Disciple-making is relational and intentional, not merely programmatic.
  • It requires a commitment to walk alongside others in their spiritual journey.

4. Importance of Agreed-Upon Definitions

  • Unity and Alignment:
    • Shared definitions ensure everyone is working towards the same goal.
    • Clarity reduces confusion and conflict within the team and congregation.
  • Consistency in Communication and Practice:
    • Leaders and members speak a common language, enhancing collaboration.
    • It shapes teaching, curriculum design, and leadership development.

5. Practical Implications for Church Culture

  • Language Shapes Culture:
    • Consistent use of these definitions reinforces the disciple-making culture.
    • Narratives and testimonies should reflect this framework.
  • Behavioral Alignment:
    • Ministry activities, events, and resource allocation should align with disciple-making goals.
    • Leaders model and multiply disciple-making behaviors.

6. Implementing the Disciple-Making Framework

Action Steps for Churches:

  1. Teach and Reinforce Definitions:
    • Preach on Matthew 4:19 and other discipleship passages.
    • Provide discipleship training and resources.
  2. Create Relational Pathways:
    • Small groups, mentoring relationships, and serving teams designed for disciple-making.
  3. Equip Disciple Makers:
    • Train leaders to intentionally invest in others.
    • Encourage disciples to multiply by discipling others.
  4. Evaluate and Adjust:
    • Regularly assess disciple-making effectiveness.
    • Adjust strategies to stay aligned with the mission.

7. Illustrations and Stories to Reinforce Teaching

Story: Jesus and Peter’s Journey

  • Peter followed Jesus, was transformed (from fear to boldness), and joined the mission (preaching at Pentecost).
  • Application: Every disciple is on this journey of following, changing, and joining the mission.

Illustration: The Apprentice Model

  • Just as apprentices learn by watching and working alongside a master, disciples grow by walking closely with Jesus and disciple-makers.
  • Application: Disciple-making is relational and hands-on, not merely informational.

8. Conclusion: Building a Disciple-Making Church

  • Start with Clarity: Align leadership and congregation with clear definitions.
  • Focus on Relationships: Prioritize relational disciple-making over programs.
  • Live Out the Mission: Encourage every member to be a disciple and a disciple-maker.
  • Measure What Matters: Evaluate growth by life change and multiplication, not just attendance.

By embracing this framework, churches can fulfill the Great Commission with unity, purpose, and transformational impact.

Report Season Information!

ASR (Pastors Annual Service Report) Reporting opens Monday, April 7th, and closes Friday, May 30th, 2025.

LCSR (Local Church Statistical Report) Reporting opens Thursday, May 1st, and closes Friday, May 30th, 2025 (* remember, I have to put an end date, but you have a couple of weeks grace period to get all of your numbers compiled.)

Save the date!

Annual District Conference,  Monday, July 21, 2025. 9:00 am – 4 pm, with registration beginning at 8:00 am

If You Need a Place to Stay

Here is a link to hotel options within 4 miles of Cypress Church, if needed:


Cypress Wesleyan Church – 377 Alton Darby Creek Rd – Galloway, OH 43119

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