Welcome to Ohio! We are proud to serve the pastors and local churches in the Greater Ohio District of the Wesleyan Church. To help us accomplish our mission of having a transforming presence in every zip code of Ohio, our focus is to equip and empower our churches and their leaders to best live out the Great Commission of reaching the world for Christ by modeling the Great Commandment of loving God and loving others with all that we have.
Find a Wesleyan church near you. Get directions, or lookup more info on any church in the Greater Ohio Wesleyan District.

Learn all about The Wesleyan Church including our mission, our beliefs, and our core values.

We would love to walk alongside you as we discover together if God is calling you to join our team.

Find all the forms and policies needed to pursue licensing and ordination in The Wesleyan Church.

Any student who begins a Wesley Seminary program in March will receive a $1000 scholarship!
Have you been considering doing your 100% online Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Ministry, or Certificate in Christian Ministry Formation? Start with us on March 31 and receive a $1000 scholarship!
Do you have a pastor on your staff or a volunteer in your church who you think should start seminary, but has been unsure when to get started? Pass this along and encourage them to start with us on March 31 and receive a $1000 scholarship!
These scholarships are in addition to the already available needs-based scholarships provided by Wesley Seminary.